From 0026dc9728e33f78ed47bd55e8edcfe3877f1d36 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "[6~" <>
Date: Sun, 17 May 2020 14:09:38 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Remove some dead 'FluxOperator' code left over from hedge

 grudge/symbolic/mappers/ | 45 -----------------------------
 1 file changed, 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/grudge/symbolic/mappers/ b/grudge/symbolic/mappers/
index 0e9b8e02..8107b4cb 100644
--- a/grudge/symbolic/mappers/
+++ b/grudge/symbolic/mappers/
@@ -564,51 +564,6 @@ class OperatorSpecializer(CSECachingMapperMixin, IdentityMapper):
             raise TypeError("RestrictToBoundary cannot be applied to "
                     "quadrature-based operands--use QuadUpsample(Boundarize(...))")
-        # {{{ flux operator specialization
-        elif isinstance(expr.op, op.FluxOperatorBase):
-            from pytools.obj_array import with_object_array_or_scalar
-            repr_tag_cell = [None]
-            def process_flux_arg(flux_arg):
-                arg_repr_tag = self.typedict[flux_arg].repr_tag
-                if repr_tag_cell[0] is None:
-                    repr_tag_cell[0] = arg_repr_tag
-                else:
-                    # An error for this condition is generated by
-                    # the type inference pass.
-                    assert arg_repr_tag == repr_tag_cell[0]
-            is_boundary = isinstance(expr.field, BoundaryPair)
-            if is_boundary:
-                bpair = expr.field
-                with_object_array_or_scalar(process_flux_arg, bpair.field)
-                with_object_array_or_scalar(process_flux_arg, bpair.bfield)
-            else:
-                with_object_array_or_scalar(process_flux_arg, expr.field)
-            is_quad = isinstance(repr_tag_cell[0], QuadratureRepresentation)
-            if is_quad:
-                assert not expr.op.is_lift
-                quad_tag = repr_tag_cell[0].quadrature_tag
-            new_fld = self.rec(expr.field)
-            flux = expr.op.flux
-            if is_boundary:
-                if is_quad:
-                    return op.QuadratureBoundaryFluxOperator(
-                            flux, quad_tag, bpair.tag)(new_fld)
-                else:
-                    return op.BoundaryFluxOperator(flux, bpair.tag)(new_fld)
-            else:
-                if is_quad:
-                    return op.QuadratureFluxOperator(flux, quad_tag)(new_fld)
-                else:
-                    return op.FluxOperator(flux, expr.op.is_lift)(new_fld)
-        # }}}
             return IdentityMapper.map_operator_binding(self, expr)