from __future__ import division __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2013 Andreas Kloeckner" __license__ = """ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as la import pyopencl as cl import pytools.test from import pytest_generate_tests_for_pyopencl \ as pytest_generate_tests from import make_particle_array import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # {{{ connectivity test @pytools.test.mark_test.opencl def test_tree_connectivity(ctx_getter): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) ctx = ctx_getter() queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx) for dims in [2]: nparticles = 10**5 dtype = np.float64 particles = make_particle_array(queue, nparticles, dims, dtype) from boxtree import TreeBuilder tb = TreeBuilder(ctx) tree = tb(queue, particles, max_particles_in_box=30, debug=True) from boxtree.traversal import FMMTraversalBuilder tg = FMMTraversalBuilder(ctx) trav = tg(queue, tree).get() tree = tree.get() levels = tree.box_levels parents = tree.box_parent_ids.T children = tree.box_child_ids.T centers = tree.box_centers.T # {{{ parent and child relations, levels match up for ibox in xrange(1, tree.nboxes): # /!\ Not testing box 0, has no parents parent = parents[ibox] assert levels[parent] + 1 == levels[ibox] assert ibox in children[parent], ibox # }}} if 0: import matplotlib.pyplot as pt from boxtree.visualization import TreePlotter plotter = TreePlotter(tree) plotter.draw_tree(fill=False, edgecolor="black") plotter.draw_box_numbers() plotter.set_bounding_box() # {{{ neighbor_source_boxes (list 1) consists of source boxes for isrcbox, ibox in enumerate(trav.source_boxes): start, end = trav.neighbor_source_boxes_starts[isrcbox:isrcbox+2] nbl = trav.neighbor_source_boxes_lists[start:end] assert ibox in nbl for jbox in nbl: assert (0 == children[jbox]).all(), (ibox, jbox, children[jbox]) print "list 1 tested" # }}} # {{{ separated siblings (list 2) are actually separated for ibox in xrange(tree.nboxes): start, end = trav.sep_siblings_starts[ibox:ibox+2] seps = trav.sep_siblings_lists[start:end] assert (levels[seps] == levels[ibox]).all() # three-ish box radii (half of size) mindist = 2.5 * 0.5 * 2**-int(levels[ibox]) * tree.root_extent icenter = centers[ibox] for jbox in seps: dist = la.norm(centers[jbox]-icenter) assert dist > mindist, (dist, mindist) # }}} # {{{ sep_{smaller,bigger}_nonsiblings are duals of each other # (technically, we only test one half of that) for isource_box, ibox in enumerate(trav.source_boxes): start, end = trav.sep_smaller_nonsiblings_starts[isource_box:isource_box+2] for jbox in trav.sep_smaller_nonsiblings_lists[start:end]: rstart, rend = trav.sep_bigger_nonsiblings_starts[jbox:jbox+2] assert ibox in trav.sep_bigger_nonsiblings_lists[rstart:rend], (ibox, jbox) print "list 3, 4 are duals" # }}} # {{{ sep_smaller_nonsiblings satisfies size assumption for isource_box, ibox in enumerate(trav.source_boxes): start, end = trav.sep_smaller_nonsiblings_starts[isource_box:isource_box+2] for jbox in trav.sep_smaller_nonsiblings_lists[start:end]: assert levels[ibox] < levels[jbox] print "list 3 satisfies size assumption" # }}} # {{{ sep_smaller_nonsiblings satisfies size assumption for ibox in xrange(tree.nboxes): start, end = trav.sep_bigger_nonsiblings_starts[ibox:ibox+2] for jbox in trav.sep_bigger_nonsiblings_lists[start:end]: assert levels[ibox] > levels[jbox] print "list 4 satisfies size assumption" # }}} # }}} # {{{ visualization helper (not a test) def plot_traversal(ctx_getter, do_plot=False): ctx = ctx_getter() queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx) #for dims in [2, 3]: for dims in [2]: nparticles = 10**4 dtype = np.float64 from pyopencl.clrandom import RanluxGenerator rng = RanluxGenerator(queue, seed=15) from pytools.obj_array import make_obj_array particles = make_obj_array([ rng.normal(queue, nparticles, dtype=dtype) for i in range(dims)]) #if do_plot: #pt.plot(particles[0].get(), particles[1].get(), "x") from boxtree import TreeBuilder tb = TreeBuilder(ctx) queue.finish() print "building..." tree = tb(queue, particles, max_particles_in_box=30, debug=True) print "done" from boxtree.traversal import FMMTraversalBuilder tg = FMMTraversalBuilder(ctx) trav = tg(queue, tree).get() from boxtree.visualization import TreePlotter plotter = TreePlotter(tree) plotter.draw_tree(fill=False, edgecolor="black") #plotter.draw_box_numbers() plotter.set_bounding_box() from random import randrange, seed seed(7) # {{{ generic box drawing helper def draw_some_box_lists(starts, lists, key_to_box=None, count=5): actual_count = 0 while actual_count < count: if key_to_box is not None: key = randrange(len(key_to_box)) ibox = key_to_box[key] else: key = ibox = randrange(tree.nboxes) start, end = starts[key:key+2] if start == end: continue #print ibox, start, end, lists[start:end] for jbox in lists[start:end]: plotter.draw_box(jbox, facecolor='yellow') plotter.draw_box(ibox, facecolor='red') actual_count += 1 # }}} if 0: # colleagues draw_some_box_lists( trav.colleagues_starts, trav.colleagues_lists) elif 0: # near neighbors ("list 1") draw_some_box_lists( trav.neighbor_leaves_starts, trav.neighbor_leaves_lists, key_to_box=trav.source_boxes) elif 0: # well-separated siblings (list 2) draw_some_box_lists( trav.sep_siblings_starts, trav.sep_siblings_lists) elif 1: # separated smaller non-siblings (list 3) draw_some_box_lists( trav.sep_smaller_nonsiblings_starts, trav.sep_smaller_nonsiblings_lists, key_to_box=trav.source_boxes) elif 1: # separated bigger non-siblings (list 4) draw_some_box_lists( trav.sep_bigger_nonsiblings_starts, trav.sep_bigger_nonsiblings_lists) import matplotlib.pyplot as pt # }}} # You can test individual routines by typing # $ python 'test_routine(cl.create_some_context)' if __name__ == "__main__": import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: exec(sys.argv[1]) else: from py.test.cmdline import main main([__file__]) # vim: fdm=marker