Welcome to boxtree's documentation! =================================== .. note:: Boxtree hasn't been released yet. What's documented here generally exists as code and has survived some light testing. So if you try it and it works for you, great. If not, please do make sure to shoot me a message. boxtree is a package that, given some point locations in two or three dimensions, sorts them into an adaptive quad/octree of boxes, efficiently, in parallel, using OpenCL. Other places on the web to find boxtree stuff: * `wiki home page `_ * `source code via git `_ Now you obviously want to watch the library do something (at least mildly) cool? Well, sit back and watch: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/demo.py :start-after: STARTEXAMPLE :end-before: ENDEXAMPLE This file is included in the :mod:`boxtree` distribution as :file:`examples/demo.py`. With some plotting code (not shown above, but included in the demo file), you can see what's going on: .. image:: images/tree.png More importantly, perhaps, than being able to draw the tree, the :class:`boxtree.Tree` data structure is now accesible via the `tree` variable above, and the connecitivity information needed for an FMM-like traversal is available in `trav` as a :class:`boxtree.traversal.FMMTraversalInfo`. Overview -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 reference Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`