Welcome to boxtree's documentation! =================================== boxtree is a package that, given some point locations in two or three dimensions, sorts them into an adaptive quad/octree of boxes, efficiently, in parallel, using OpenCL. It also computes geometric lookup tables and generates FMM interaction lists. Other places on the web to find boxtree stuff: * `wiki home page `_ * `github (source code, bug tracker) `_ Now you obviously want to watch the library do something (at least mildly) cool? Well, sit back and watch: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/demo.py :start-after: STARTEXAMPLE :end-before: ENDEXAMPLE This file is included in the :mod:`boxtree` distribution as :download:`examples/demo.py <../examples/demo.py>`. With some plotting code (not shown above, but included in the demo file), you can see what's going on: .. image:: images/tree.png More importantly, perhaps, than being able to draw the tree, the :class:`boxtree.Tree` data structure is now accessible via the ``tree`` variable above, and the connectivity information needed for an FMM-like traversal is available in ``trav`` as a :class:`boxtree.traversal.FMMTraversalInfo`. Overview -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 intro tree traversal fmm lookup cost misc Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. vim: sw=4