diff --git a/arraycontext/__init__.py b/arraycontext/__init__.py
index 61203029ca484cba9918afc54a4c547b9ecf8905..c0bca7703c04cf6391375fbfdbbc7f8bed8d4693 100644
--- a/arraycontext/__init__.py
+++ b/arraycontext/__init__.py
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ from .container.traversal import (
         thaw, freeze,
+        flatten, unflatten,
         from_numpy, to_numpy)
 from .impl.pyopencl import PyOpenCLArrayContext
@@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ __all__ = (
         "map_reduce_array_container", "multimap_reduce_array_container",
         "rec_map_reduce_array_container", "rec_multimap_reduce_array_container",
         "thaw", "freeze",
+        "flatten", "unflatten",
         "from_numpy", "to_numpy",
         "PyOpenCLArrayContext", "PytatoPyOpenCLArrayContext",
diff --git a/arraycontext/container/__init__.py b/arraycontext/container/__init__.py
index 8bd65d8d4bc900824a540251526ce27710a4c67c..d2f9761434d6a17fceb4aff2a4b9508b85c16f40 100644
--- a/arraycontext/container/__init__.py
+++ b/arraycontext/container/__init__.py
@@ -120,7 +120,11 @@ def serialize_container(ary: ArrayContainer) -> Iterable[Tuple[Any, Any]]:
     r"""Serialize the array container into an iterable over its components.
     The order of the components and their identifiers are entirely under
-    the control of the container class.
+    the control of the container class. However, the order is required to be
+    deterministic, i.e. two calls to :func:`serialize_container` on
+    array containers of the same types with the same number of
+    sub-arrays must result in an iterable with the keys in the same
+    order.
     If *ary* is mutable, the serialization function is not required to ensure
     that the serialization result reflects the array state at the time of the
diff --git a/arraycontext/container/traversal.py b/arraycontext/container/traversal.py
index 8858e86d1eaafd770674c3ad2b32cbf5eb90850e..8d0f9f33bb5bfa67bb6a595de9b214a6481bfbf1 100644
--- a/arraycontext/container/traversal.py
+++ b/arraycontext/container/traversal.py
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ Freezing and thawing
 .. autofunction:: freeze
 .. autofunction:: thaw
+Flattening and unflattening
+.. autofunction:: flatten
+.. autofunction:: unflatten
 Numpy conversion
 .. autofunction:: from_numpy
@@ -493,6 +498,131 @@ def thaw(ary: ArrayOrContainerT, actx: ArrayContext) -> ArrayOrContainerT:
 # }}}
+# {{{ flatten / unflatten
+def flatten(ary: ArrayOrContainerT, actx: ArrayContext) -> Any:
+    """Convert all arrays in the :class:`~arraycontext.ArrayContainer`
+    into single flat array of a type :attr:`arraycontext.ArrayContext.array_types`.
+    The operation requires :attr:`arraycontext.ArrayContext.np` to have
+    ``ravel`` and ``concatenate`` methods implemented. The order in which the
+    individual leaf arrays appear in the final array is dependent on the order
+    given by :func:`~arraycontext.serialize_container`.
+    """
+    common_dtype = None
+    result: List[Any] = []
+    def _flatten(subary: ArrayOrContainerT) -> None:
+        nonlocal common_dtype
+        try:
+            iterable = serialize_container(subary)
+        except TypeError:
+            if common_dtype is None:
+                common_dtype = subary.dtype
+            if subary.dtype != common_dtype:
+                raise ValueError("arrays in container have different dtypes: "
+                        f"got {subary.dtype}, expected {common_dtype}")
+            try:
+                flat_subary = actx.np.ravel(subary, order="C")
+            except ValueError as exc:
+                # NOTE: we can't do much if the array context fails to ravel,
+                # since it is the one responsible for the actual memory layout
+                if hasattr(subary, "strides"):
+                    strides_msg = f" and strides {subary.strides}"
+                else:
+                    strides_msg = ""
+                raise NotImplementedError(
+                        f"'{type(actx).__name__}.np.ravel' failed to reshape "
+                        f"an array with shape {subary.shape}{strides_msg}. "
+                        "This functionality needs to be implemented by the "
+                        "array context.") from exc
+            result.append(flat_subary)
+        else:
+            for _, isubary in iterable:
+                _flatten(isubary)
+    _flatten(ary)
+    return actx.np.concatenate(result)
+def unflatten(
+        template: ArrayOrContainerT, ary: Any,
+        actx: ArrayContext) -> ArrayOrContainerT:
+    """Unflatten an array *ary* produced by :func:`flatten` back into an
+    :class:`~arraycontext.ArrayContainer`.
+    The order and sizes of each slice into *ary* are determined by the
+    array container *template*.
+    """
+    # NOTE: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/7057
+    offset = 0
+    def _unflatten(template_subary: ArrayOrContainerT) -> ArrayOrContainerT:
+        nonlocal offset
+        try:
+            iterable = serialize_container(template_subary)
+        except TypeError:
+            if (offset + template_subary.size) > ary.size:
+                raise ValueError("'template' and 'ary' sizes do not match: "
+                    "'template' is too large")
+            if template_subary.dtype != ary.dtype:
+                raise ValueError("'template' dtype does not match 'ary': "
+                        f"got {template_subary.dtype}, expected {ary.dtype}")
+            flat_subary = ary[offset:offset + template_subary.size]
+            try:
+                subary = actx.np.reshape(flat_subary,
+                        template_subary.shape, order="C")
+            except ValueError as exc:
+                # NOTE: we can't do much if the array context fails to reshape,
+                # since it is the one responsible for the actual memory layout
+                raise NotImplementedError(
+                        f"'{type(actx).__name__}.np.reshape' failed to reshape "
+                        f"the flat array into shape {template_subary.shape}. "
+                        "This functionality needs to be implemented by the "
+                        "array context.") from exc
+            if hasattr(template_subary, "strides"):
+                if template_subary.strides != subary.strides:
+                    raise ValueError(
+                            f"strides do not match template: got {subary.strides}, "
+                            f"expected {template_subary.strides}")
+            offset += template_subary.size
+            return subary
+        else:
+            return deserialize_container(template_subary, [
+                (key, _unflatten(isubary)) for key, isubary in iterable
+                ])
+    if not isinstance(ary, actx.array_types):
+        raise TypeError("'ary' does not have a type supported by the provided "
+                f"array context: got '{type(ary).__name__}', expected one of "
+                f"{actx.array_types}")
+    if ary.ndim != 1:
+        raise ValueError(
+                "only one dimensional arrays can be unflattened: "
+                f"'ary' has shape {ary.shape}")
+    result = _unflatten(template)
+    if offset != ary.size:
+        raise ValueError("'template' and 'ary' sizes do not match: "
+            "'ary' is too large")
+    return result
+# }}}
 # {{{ numpy conversion
 def from_numpy(ary: Any, actx: ArrayContext) -> Any:
diff --git a/arraycontext/impl/pyopencl/fake_numpy.py b/arraycontext/impl/pyopencl/fake_numpy.py
index 882a2e5c51a74d0149267f4353d651f5ccc5b127..c8c1715ae77674c56bab53efc1e5b338cbf0a909 100644
--- a/arraycontext/impl/pyopencl/fake_numpy.py
+++ b/arraycontext/impl/pyopencl/fake_numpy.py
@@ -172,8 +172,10 @@ class PyOpenCLFakeNumpyNamespace(BaseFakeNumpyNamespace):
-    def reshape(self, a, newshape):
-        return cl_array.reshape(a, newshape)
+    def reshape(self, a, newshape, order="C"):
+        return rec_map_array_container(
+                lambda ary: ary.reshape(newshape, order=order),
+                a)
     def concatenate(self, arrays, axis=0):
         return cl_array.concatenate(
diff --git a/arraycontext/impl/pytato/fake_numpy.py b/arraycontext/impl/pytato/fake_numpy.py
index 9721826449b240013f51cbb44eb52980aaa2a167..dacf7271da70b0ea542744fb1f89b2e9a2d533b2 100644
--- a/arraycontext/impl/pytato/fake_numpy.py
+++ b/arraycontext/impl/pytato/fake_numpy.py
@@ -64,8 +64,10 @@ class PytatoFakeNumpyNamespace(BaseFakeNumpyNamespace):
         return super().__getattr__(name)
-    def reshape(self, a, newshape):
-        return rec_multimap_array_container(pt.reshape, a, newshape)
+    def reshape(self, a, newshape, order="C"):
+        return rec_map_array_container(
+                lambda ary: pt.reshape(a, newshape, order=order),
+                a)
     def transpose(self, a, axes=None):
         return rec_multimap_array_container(pt.transpose, a, axes)
diff --git a/test/test_arraycontext.py b/test/test_arraycontext.py
index 0ad4aade35b4ba5ee156be4bbfa871cc271947c4..0dcb1a6611f9240f4106119f07bda0f77c551398 100644
--- a/test/test_arraycontext.py
+++ b/test/test_arraycontext.py
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class DOFArray:
 def _serialize_dof_container(ary: DOFArray):
-    return enumerate(ary.data)
+    return list(enumerate(ary.data))
@@ -203,17 +203,27 @@ def randn(shape, dtype):
     rng = np.random.default_rng()
     dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
+    if shape == 0:
+        ashape = 1
+    else:
+        ashape = shape
     if dtype.kind == "c":
         dtype = np.dtype(f"<f{dtype.itemsize // 2}")
-        return rng.standard_normal(shape, dtype) \
-            + 1j * rng.standard_normal(shape, dtype)
+        r = rng.standard_normal(ashape, dtype) \
+            + 1j * rng.standard_normal(ashape, dtype)
     elif dtype.kind == "f":
-        return rng.standard_normal(shape, dtype)
+        r = rng.standard_normal(ashape, dtype)
     elif dtype.kind == "i":
-        return rng.integers(0, 128, shape, dtype)
+        r = rng.integers(0, 512, ashape, dtype)
         raise TypeError(dtype.kind)
+    if shape == 0:
+        return np.array(r[0])
+    return r
 def assert_close_to_numpy(actx, op, args):
     assert np.allclose(
@@ -672,11 +682,14 @@ class MyContainerDOFBcast:
         return self.mass.array_context
-def _get_test_containers(actx, ambient_dim=2, size=50_000):
-    if size == 0:
-        x = DOFArray(actx, (actx.from_numpy(np.array(np.random.randn())),))
-    else:
-        x = DOFArray(actx, (actx.from_numpy(np.random.randn(size)),))
+def _get_test_containers(actx, ambient_dim=2, shapes=50_000):
+    from numbers import Number
+    if isinstance(shapes, (Number, tuple)):
+        shapes = [shapes]
+    x = DOFArray(actx, tuple([
+        actx.from_numpy(randn(shape, np.float64))
+        for shape in shapes]))
     # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg, no-value-for-parameter
     dataclass_of_dofs = MyContainer(
@@ -705,7 +718,7 @@ def _get_test_containers(actx, ambient_dim=2, size=50_000):
 def test_container_scalar_map(actx_factory):
     actx = actx_factory()
-    arys = _get_test_containers(actx, size=0)
+    arys = _get_test_containers(actx, shapes=0)
     arys += (np.pi,)
     from arraycontext import (
@@ -877,16 +890,76 @@ def test_container_norm(actx_factory, ord):
 # }}}
+# {{{ test flatten and unflatten
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("shapes", [
+    0,                          # tests device scalars when flattening
+    512,
+    [(128, 67)],
+    [(127, 67), (18, 0)],       # tests 0-sized arrays
+    [(64, 7), (154, 12)]
+    ])
+def test_flatten_array_container(actx_factory, shapes):
+    if np.prod(shapes) == 0:
+        # https://github.com/inducer/loopy/pull/497
+        # NOTE: only fails for the pytato array context at the moment
+        pytest.xfail("strides do not match in subary")
+    actx = actx_factory()
+    from arraycontext import flatten, unflatten
+    arys = _get_test_containers(actx, shapes=shapes)
+    for ary in arys:
+        flat = flatten(ary, actx)
+        assert flat.ndim == 1
+        ary_roundtrip = unflatten(ary, flat, actx)
+        from arraycontext import rec_multimap_reduce_array_container
+        assert rec_multimap_reduce_array_container(
+                np.prod,
+                lambda x, y: x.shape == y.shape,
+                ary, ary_roundtrip)
+        assert actx.to_numpy(
+                actx.np.linalg.norm(ary - ary_roundtrip)
+                ) < 1.0e-15
+def test_flatten_array_container_failure(actx_factory):
+    actx = actx_factory()
+    from arraycontext import flatten, unflatten
+    ary = _get_test_containers(actx, shapes=512)[0]
+    flat_ary = flatten(ary, actx)
+    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+        # cannot unflatten from a numpy array
+        unflatten(ary, actx.to_numpy(flat_ary), actx)
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        # cannot unflatten non-flat arrays
+        unflatten(ary, flat_ary.reshape(2, -1), actx)
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        # cannot unflatten partially
+        unflatten(ary, flat_ary[:-1], actx)
+# }}}
 # {{{ test from_numpy and to_numpy
 def test_numpy_conversion(actx_factory):
     actx = actx_factory()
+    nelements = 42
     ac = MyContainer(
-            mass=np.random.rand(42),
-            momentum=make_obj_array([np.random.rand(42) for _ in range(3)]),
-            enthalpy=np.random.rand(42),
+            mass=np.random.rand(nelements, nelements),
+            momentum=make_obj_array([np.random.rand(nelements) for _ in range(3)]),
+            enthalpy=np.array(np.random.rand()),
     from arraycontext import from_numpy, to_numpy