diff --git a/arraycontext/__init__.py b/arraycontext/__init__.py
index f1f9762c42de781508f0dc161be1e6788fbe2bce..6610494f8b97a3dba8a8976735ce872723bfcab7 100644
--- a/arraycontext/__init__.py
+++ b/arraycontext/__init__.py
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ from .container.traversal import (
         thaw, freeze,
+        flatten, unflatten,
         from_numpy, to_numpy,
         flatten_to_numpy, unflatten_from_numpy)
@@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ __all__ = (
         "map_reduce_array_container", "multimap_reduce_array_container",
         "rec_map_reduce_array_container", "rec_multimap_reduce_array_container",
         "thaw", "freeze",
+        "flatten", "unflatten",
         "from_numpy", "to_numpy",
         "flatten_to_numpy", "unflatten_from_numpy",
diff --git a/arraycontext/container/traversal.py b/arraycontext/container/traversal.py
index acf7ff2051561317676f7606bbb8bfee58b210a2..c3bf32fe1ec6bc941cf52f26030d36aef952eaf4 100644
--- a/arraycontext/container/traversal.py
+++ b/arraycontext/container/traversal.py
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ Freezing and thawing
 .. autofunction:: freeze
 .. autofunction:: thaw
+Flattening and unflattening
+.. autofunction:: flatten
+.. autofunction:: unflatten
 Numpy conversion
 .. autofunction:: from_numpy
@@ -64,6 +69,7 @@ from arraycontext.context import ArrayContext
 from arraycontext.container import (
         ContainerT, ArrayOrContainerT, is_array_container,
         serialize_container, deserialize_container)
+from pytools import memoize_in
 # {{{ array container traversal helpers
@@ -495,6 +501,97 @@ def thaw(ary: ArrayOrContainerT, actx: ArrayContext) -> ArrayOrContainerT:
 # }}}
+# {{{ flatten / unflatten
+def flatten(ary: ArrayOrContainerT, actx: ArrayContext) -> Any:
+    """Convert all arrays in the :class:`~arraycontext.ArrayContainer`
+    into single flat array of a type :attr:`arraycontext.ArrayContext.array_types`.
+    The operation requires :attr:`arraycontext.ArrayContext.np` to have
+    ``ravel`` and ``concatenate`` methods implemented. The order in which the
+    individual leaf arrays appear in the final array is dependent on the order
+    given by :func:`~arraycontext.serialize_container`.
+    """
+    @memoize_in(actx, (flatten, "ravel_prg"))
+    def _ravel_prg(shape: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Any:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def _flatten(subary: ArrayOrContainerT) -> None:
+        try:
+            iterable = serialize_container(subary)
+        except TypeError:
+            try:
+                flat_subary = actx.np.ravel(subary, order="A")
+            except ValueError:
+                flat_subary = actx.call_loopy(
+                        _ravel_prg(subary.shape), ary=subary)
+            result.append(flat_subary)
+        else:
+            for _, isubary in iterable:
+                _flatten(isubary)
+    result: List[Any] = []
+    _flatten(ary)
+    return actx.np.concatenate(result)
+def unflatten(
+        template: ArrayOrContainerT, ary: Any,
+        actx: ArrayContext) -> ArrayOrContainerT:
+    """Unflatten an array produced by :func:`flatten` back into an
+    :class:`~arraycontext.ArrayContainer`.
+    The order and sizes of each slice into *ary* are determined by the
+    array container *template*.
+    """
+    # NOTE: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/7057
+    offset = 0
+    @memoize_in(actx, (unflatten, "reshape_prg"))
+    def _reshape_prg(shape: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Any:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def _unflatten(template_subary: ArrayOrContainerT) -> ArrayOrContainerT:
+        nonlocal offset
+        try:
+            iterable = serialize_container(template_subary)
+        except TypeError:
+            # NOTE: the max is needed to handle device scalars with size == 0
+            offset += max(1, template_subary.size)
+            if offset > ary.size:
+                raise ValueError("'template' and 'ary' sizes do not match")
+            flat_subary = ary[offset - template_subary.size:offset]
+            try:
+                subary = actx.np.reshape(flat_subary, template_subary.shape)
+            except ValueError:
+                subary = actx.call_loopy(
+                        _reshape_prg(template_subary.shape), ary=flat_subary)
+            return actx.np.astype(subary, template_subary.dtype)
+        else:
+            return deserialize_container(template_subary, [
+                (key, _unflatten(isubary)) for key, isubary in iterable
+                ])
+    if not isinstance(ary, actx.array_types):
+        raise TypeError("'ary' does not have a type supported by the provided "
+                f"array context: got '{type(ary).__name__}', expected one of "
+                f"{actx.array_types}")
+    if ary.ndim != 1:
+        raise ValueError(
+                "only one dimensional arrays can be unflattened: "
+                f"'ary' has shape {ary.shape}")
+    return _unflatten(template)
+# }}}
 # {{{ numpy conversion
 def from_numpy(ary: Any, actx: ArrayContext) -> Any:
diff --git a/arraycontext/impl/pyopencl/fake_numpy.py b/arraycontext/impl/pyopencl/fake_numpy.py
index 0ba81e12958991d650032dc279f30e8286293fba..c5b57ef58b49ed2bdb95dd3547839a5222ee6eeb 100644
--- a/arraycontext/impl/pyopencl/fake_numpy.py
+++ b/arraycontext/impl/pyopencl/fake_numpy.py
@@ -265,6 +265,11 @@ class PyOpenCLFakeNumpyNamespace(BaseFakeNumpyNamespace):
             result = result.get()[()]
         return result
+    def astype(self, a, dtype):
+        return rec_map_array_container(
+                lambda x: x.astype(dtype, queue=self._array_context.queue),
+                a)
 # }}}
diff --git a/test/test_arraycontext.py b/test/test_arraycontext.py
index dfa238d03f36da80f895911f5a7f028499a7e661..5f9cfc7848c5bf218571210f5787861ff267e944 100644
--- a/test/test_arraycontext.py
+++ b/test/test_arraycontext.py
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class DOFArray:
 def _serialize_dof_container(ary: DOFArray):
-    return enumerate(ary.data)
+    return list(enumerate(ary.data))
@@ -877,6 +877,27 @@ def test_container_norm(actx_factory, ord):
 # }}}
+# {{{ test flatten and unflatten
+def test_flatten_array_container(actx_factory):
+    actx = actx_factory()
+    if not hasattr(actx.np, "astype"):
+        pytest.skip(f"'astype' not implemented on '{type(actx).__name__}'")
+    from arraycontext import flatten, unflatten
+    arys = _get_test_containers(actx, size=512)
+    for ary in arys:
+        flat = flatten(ary, actx)
+        assert flat.ndim == 1
+        ary_roundtrip = unflatten(ary, flat, actx)
+        assert actx.to_numpy(
+                actx.np.linalg.norm(ary - ary_roundtrip)
+                ) < 1.0e-15
+# }}}
 # {{{ test from_numpy and to_numpy
 def test_numpy_conversion(actx_factory):