from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2012 Andreas Kloeckner" __license__ = """ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import six from six.moves import range import sys import numpy as np import loopy as lp import pyopencl as cl import pyopencl.clmath # noqa import pyopencl.clrandom # noqa import pytest import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import faulthandler except ImportError: pass else: faulthandler.enable() from import pytest_generate_tests_for_pyopencl \ as pytest_generate_tests __all__ = [ "pytest_generate_tests", "cl" # 'cl.create_some_context' ] def test_complicated_subst(ctx_factory): #ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i]: 0<=i id:h and tag:two > id:g and tag:two") print(knl) sr_keys = list(knl.substitutions.keys()) for letter, how_many in [ ("f", 1), ("g", 1), ("h", 2) ]: substs_with_letter = sum(1 for k in sr_keys if k.startswith(letter)) assert substs_with_letter == how_many def test_extract_subst(ctx_factory): knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i]: 0<=i bb = a[i] - b[i] c[i] = bb """, [ lp.GlobalArg("a", np.float32, shape=("n",)), lp.GlobalArg("b", np.float32, shape=("n",)), lp.GlobalArg("c", np.float32, shape=("n",)), lp.ValueArg("n", np.int32), ], assumptions="n>=1") knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl, ctx.devices[0]) for k in lp.generate_loop_schedules(knl): code = lp.generate_code(k) assert "double" not in code def test_sized_and_complex_literals(ctx_factory): ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i]: 0<=i aa = 5jf <> bb = 5j a[i] = imag(aa) b[i] = imag(bb) c[i] = 5f """, [ lp.GlobalArg("a", np.float32, shape=("n",)), lp.GlobalArg("b", np.float32, shape=("n",)), lp.GlobalArg("c", np.float32, shape=("n",)), lp.ValueArg("n", np.int32), ], assumptions="n>=1") lp.auto_test_vs_ref(knl, ctx, knl, parameters=dict(n=5)) def test_assume(ctx_factory): ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i]: 0<=i 10") knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl, ctx.devices[0]) kernel_gen = lp.generate_loop_schedules(knl) for gen_knl in kernel_gen: print(gen_knl) compiled = lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, gen_knl) print(compiled.get_code()) assert "if" not in compiled.get_code() def test_simple_side_effect(ctx_factory): ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i,j]: 0<=i,j<100}", """ a[i] = a[i] + 1 """, [lp.GlobalArg("a", np.float32, shape=(100,))] ) knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl, ctx.devices[0]) kernel_gen = lp.generate_loop_schedules(knl) for gen_knl in kernel_gen: print(gen_knl) compiled = lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, gen_knl) print(compiled.get_code()) def test_nonsense_reduction(ctx_factory): ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i]: 0<=i<100}", """ a[i] = sum(i, 2) """, [lp.GlobalArg("a", np.float32, shape=(100,))] ) import pytest with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl, ctx.devices[0]) def test_owed_barriers(ctx_factory): ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i]: 0<=i<100}", [ " z[i] = a[i]" ], [lp.GlobalArg("a", np.float32, shape=(100,))] ) knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(i="l.0")) knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl, ctx.devices[0]) kernel_gen = lp.generate_loop_schedules(knl) for gen_knl in kernel_gen: compiled = lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, gen_knl) print(compiled.get_code()) def test_wg_too_small(ctx_factory): ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i]: 0<=i<100}", [ " z[i] = a[i] {id=copy}" ], [lp.GlobalArg("a", np.float32, shape=(100,))], local_sizes={0: 16}) knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(i="l.0")) knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl, ctx.devices[0]) kernel_gen = lp.generate_loop_schedules(knl) import pytest for gen_knl in kernel_gen: with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, gen_knl).get_code() def test_join_inames(ctx_factory): ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i,j]: 0<=i,j<16}", [ "b[i,j] = 2*a[i,j]" ], [ lp.GlobalArg("a", np.float32, shape=(16, 16,)), lp.GlobalArg("b", np.float32, shape=(16, 16,)) ], ) ref_knl = knl knl = lp.add_prefetch(knl, "a", sweep_inames=["i", "j"]) knl = lp.join_inames(knl, ["a_dim_0", "a_dim_1"]) lp.auto_test_vs_ref(ref_knl, ctx, knl, print_ref_code=True) def test_divisibility_assumption(ctx_factory): ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "[n] -> {[i]: 0<=i z[i] = a[i] + a[i]**2" ], [lp.GlobalArg("a", np.float32, shape=(100,))], local_sizes={0: 16}) knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 16, inner_tag="l.0") knl = lp.add_prefetch(knl, "a", []) knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl, ctx.devices[0]) kernel_gen = lp.generate_loop_schedules(knl) for gen_knl in kernel_gen: compiled = lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, gen_knl) print(compiled.get_code()) def test_stencil(ctx_factory): ctx = ctx_factory() # n=32 causes corner case behavior in size calculations for temprorary (a # non-unifiable, two-constant-segments PwAff as the base index) n = 256 knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i,j]: 0<= i,j < %d}" % n, [ "a_offset(ii, jj) := a[ii+1, jj+1]", "z[i,j] = -2*a_offset(i,j)" " + a_offset(i,j-1)" " + a_offset(i,j+1)" " + a_offset(i-1,j)" " + a_offset(i+1,j)" ], [ lp.GlobalArg("a", np.float32, shape=(n+2, n+2,)), lp.GlobalArg("z", np.float32, shape=(n+2, n+2,)) ]) ref_knl = knl def variant_1(knl): knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 16, outer_tag="g.1", inner_tag="l.1") knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "j", 16, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="l.0") knl = lp.add_prefetch(knl, "a", ["i_inner", "j_inner"]) knl = lp.set_loop_priority(knl, ["a_dim_0_outer", "a_dim_1_outer"]) return knl def variant_2(knl): knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 16, outer_tag="g.1", inner_tag="l.1") knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "j", 16, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="l.0") knl = lp.add_prefetch(knl, "a", ["i_inner", "j_inner"], fetch_bounding_box=True) knl = lp.set_loop_priority(knl, ["a_dim_0_outer", "a_dim_1_outer"]) return knl for variant in [ #variant_1, variant_2, ]: lp.auto_test_vs_ref(ref_knl, ctx, variant(knl), print_ref_code=False, op_count=[n*n], op_label=["cells"]) def test_stencil_with_overfetch(ctx_factory): ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i,j]: 0<= i,j < n}", [ "a_offset(ii, jj) := a[ii+2, jj+2]", "z[i,j] = -2*a_offset(i,j)" " + a_offset(i,j-1)" " + a_offset(i,j+1)" " + a_offset(i-1,j)" " + a_offset(i+1,j)" " + a_offset(i,j-2)" " + a_offset(i,j+2)" " + a_offset(i-2,j)" " + a_offset(i+2,j)" ], assumptions="n>=1") if ctx.devices[0] == "Portable Computing Language": # pytest.skip("takes very long to compile on pocl") knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, dict(a=np.float32)) ref_knl = knl def variant_overfetch(knl): knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 16, outer_tag="g.1", inner_tag="l.1", slabs=(1, 1)) knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "j", 16, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="l.0", slabs=(1, 1)) knl = lp.add_prefetch(knl, "a", ["i_inner", "j_inner"], fetch_bounding_box=True) knl = lp.set_loop_priority(knl, ["a_dim_0_outer", "a_dim_1_outer"]) return knl for variant in [variant_overfetch]: n = 200 lp.auto_test_vs_ref(ref_knl, ctx, variant(knl), print_ref_code=False, op_count=[n*n], parameters=dict(n=n), op_label=["cells"]) def test_eq_constraint(ctx_factory): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i,j]: 0<= i,j < 32}", [ "a[i] = b[i]" ], [ lp.GlobalArg("a", np.float32, shape=(1000,)), lp.GlobalArg("b", np.float32, shape=(1000,)) ]) knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 16, outer_tag="g.0") knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i_inner", 16, outer_tag=None, inner_tag="l.0") knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl, ctx.devices[0]) kernel_gen = lp.generate_loop_schedules(knl) for knl in kernel_gen: print(lp.generate_code(knl)) def test_argmax(ctx_factory): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) dtype = np.dtype(np.float32) ctx = ctx_factory() queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx) n = 10000 knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i]: 0<=i<%d}" % n, """ max_val, max_idx = argmax(i, fabs(a[i])) """) knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, {"a": np.float32}) print(lp.preprocess_kernel(knl)) knl = lp.set_options(knl, write_cl=True, highlight_cl=True) a = np.random.randn(10000).astype(dtype) evt, (max_idx, max_val) = knl(queue, a=a, out_host=True) assert max_val == np.max(np.abs(a)) assert max_idx == np.where(np.abs(a) == max_val)[-1] # {{{ code generator fuzzing def make_random_value(): from random import randrange, uniform v = randrange(3) if v == 0: while True: z = randrange(-1000, 1000) if z: return z elif v == 1: return uniform(-10, 10) else: cval = uniform(-10, 10) + 1j*uniform(-10, 10) if randrange(0, 2) == 0: return np.complex128(cval) else: return np.complex128(cval) def make_random_expression(var_values, size): from random import randrange import pymbolic.primitives as p v = randrange(1500) size[0] += 1 if v < 500 and size[0] < 40: term_count = randrange(2, 5) if randrange(2) < 1: cls = p.Sum else: cls = p.Product return cls(tuple( make_random_expression(var_values, size) for i in range(term_count))) elif v < 750: return make_random_value() elif v < 1000: var_name = "var_%d" % len(var_values) assert var_name not in var_values var_values[var_name] = make_random_value() return p.Variable(var_name) elif v < 1250: # Cannot use '-' because that destroys numpy constants. return p.Sum(( make_random_expression(var_values, size), - make_random_expression(var_values, size))) elif v < 1500: # Cannot use '/' because that destroys numpy constants. return p.Quotient( make_random_expression(var_values, size), make_random_expression(var_values, size)) def generate_random_fuzz_examples(count): for i in range(count): size = [0] var_values = {} expr = make_random_expression(var_values, size) yield expr, var_values def test_fuzz_code_generator(ctx_factory): ctx = ctx_factory() queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx) if ctx.devices[0].platform.vendor.startswith("Advanced Micro"): pytest.skip("crashes on AMD 15.12") #from expr_fuzz import get_fuzz_examples #for expr, var_values in get_fuzz_examples(): for expr, var_values in generate_random_fuzz_examples(50): from pymbolic import evaluate try: true_value = evaluate(expr, var_values) except ZeroDivisionError: continue def get_dtype(x): if isinstance(x, (complex, np.complexfloating)): return np.complex128 else: return np.float64 knl = lp.make_kernel("{ : }", [lp.Assignment("value", expr)], [lp.GlobalArg("value", np.complex128, shape=())] + [ lp.ValueArg(name, get_dtype(val)) for name, val in six.iteritems(var_values) ]) ck = lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, knl) evt, (lp_value,) = ck(queue, out_host=True, **var_values) err = abs(true_value-lp_value)/abs(true_value) if abs(err) > 1e-10: print(80*"-") print("WRONG: rel error=%g" % err) print("true=%r" % true_value) print("loopy=%r" % lp_value) print(80*"-") print(ck.get_code()) print(80*"-") print(var_values) print(80*"-") print(repr(expr)) print(80*"-") print(expr) print(80*"-") 1/0 # }}} def test_empty_reduction(ctx_factory): dtype = np.dtype(np.float32) ctx = ctx_factory() queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx) knl = lp.make_kernel( [ "{[i]: 0<=i<20}", "[i] -> {[j]: 0<=j<0}" ], [ "a[i] = sum(j, j)", ], [ lp.GlobalArg("a", dtype, (20,)), ]) cknl = lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, knl) evt, (a,) = cknl(queue) assert (a.get() == 0).all() def test_nested_dependent_reduction(ctx_factory): dtype = np.dtype(np.int32) ctx = ctx_factory() queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx) knl = lp.make_kernel( [ "{[i]: 0<=i sumlen = l[i]", "a[i] = sum(j, j)", ], [ lp.ValueArg("n", np.int32), lp.GlobalArg("a", dtype, ("n",)), lp.GlobalArg("l", np.int32, ("n",)), ]) cknl = lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, knl) n = 330 l = np.arange(n, dtype=np.int32) evt, (a,) = cknl(queue, l=l, n=n, out_host=True) tgt_result = (2*l-1)*2*l/2 assert (a == tgt_result).all() def test_multi_nested_dependent_reduction(ctx_factory): dtype = np.dtype(np.int32) ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( [ "{[itgt]: 0 <= itgt < ntgts}", "{[isrc_box]: 0 <= isrc_box < nboxes}", "{[isrc]: 0 <= isrc < npart}" ], [ "<> npart = nparticles_per_box[isrc_box]", "a[itgt] = sum((isrc_box, isrc), 1)", ], [ lp.ValueArg("n", np.int32), lp.GlobalArg("a", dtype, ("n",)), lp.GlobalArg("nparticles_per_box", np.int32, ("nboxes",)), lp.ValueArg("ntgts", np.int32), lp.ValueArg("nboxes", np.int32), ], assumptions="ntgts>=1") cknl = lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, knl) print(cknl.get_code()) # FIXME: Actually test functionality. def test_recursive_nested_dependent_reduction(ctx_factory): dtype = np.dtype(np.int32) ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( [ "{[itgt]: 0 <= itgt < ntgts}", "{[isrc_box]: 0 <= isrc_box < nboxes}", "{[isrc]: 0 <= isrc < npart}" ], [ "<> npart = nparticles_per_box[isrc_box]", "<> boxsum = sum(isrc, isrc+isrc_box+itgt)", "a[itgt] = sum(isrc_box, boxsum)", ], [ lp.ValueArg("n", np.int32), lp.GlobalArg("a", dtype, ("n",)), lp.GlobalArg("nparticles_per_box", np.int32, ("nboxes",)), lp.ValueArg("ntgts", np.int32), lp.ValueArg("nboxes", np.int32), ], assumptions="ntgts>=1") cknl = lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, knl) print(cknl.get_code()) # FIXME: Actually test functionality. @pytest.mark.parametrize("size", [128, 5, 113, 67]) def test_local_parallel_reduction(ctx_factory, size): ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i, j]: 0 <= i < n and 0 <= j < 5}", """ z[j] = sum(i, i+j) """) knl = lp.fix_parameters(knl, n=size) ref_knl = knl def variant0(knl): return lp.tag_inames(knl, "i:l.0") def variant1(knl): return lp.tag_inames(knl, "i:l.0,j:l.1") def variant2(knl): return lp.tag_inames(knl, "i:l.0,j:g.0") for variant in [ variant0, variant1, variant2 ]: knl = variant(ref_knl) evt, (z,) = knl(queue) lp.auto_test_vs_ref(ref_knl, ctx, knl) def test_dependent_loop_bounds(ctx_factory): dtype = np.dtype(np.float32) ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( [ "{[i]: 0<=i row_len = a_rowstarts[i+1] - a_rowstarts[i]", "a_sum[i] = sum(jj, a_values[[a_rowstarts[i]+jj]])", ], [ lp.GlobalArg("a_rowstarts", np.int32,, lp.GlobalArg("a_indices", np.int32,, lp.GlobalArg("a_values", dtype), lp.GlobalArg("a_sum", dtype,, lp.ValueArg("n", np.int32), ], assumptions="n>=1 and row_len>=1") cknl = lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, knl) print("---------------------------------------------------") print(cknl.get_highlighted_code()) print("---------------------------------------------------") def test_dependent_loop_bounds_2(ctx_factory): dtype = np.dtype(np.float32) ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( [ "{[i]: 0<=i row_start = a_rowstarts[i]", "<> row_len = a_rowstarts[i+1] - row_start", "ax[i] = sum(jj, a_values[[row_start+jj]])", ], [ lp.GlobalArg("a_rowstarts", np.int32,, lp.GlobalArg("a_indices", np.int32,, lp.GlobalArg("a_values", dtype, strides=(1,)), lp.GlobalArg("ax", dtype,, lp.ValueArg("n", np.int32), ], assumptions="n>=1 and row_len>=1") knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 128, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="l.0") cknl = lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, knl) print("---------------------------------------------------") print(cknl.get_highlighted_code()) print("---------------------------------------------------") def test_dependent_loop_bounds_3(ctx_factory): # The point of this test is that it shows a dependency between # domains that is exclusively mediated by the row_len temporary. # It also makes sure that row_len gets read before any # conditionals use it. dtype = np.dtype(np.float32) ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( [ "{[i]: 0<=i row_len = a_row_lengths[i]", "a[i,jj] = 1", ], [ lp.GlobalArg("a_row_lengths", np.int32,, lp.GlobalArg("a", dtype, shape=("n,n"), order="C"), lp.ValueArg("n", np.int32), ]) assert knl.parents_per_domain()[1] == 0 knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 128, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="l.0") cknl = lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, knl) print("---------------------------------------------------") print(cknl.get_highlighted_code()) print("---------------------------------------------------") knl_bad = lp.split_iname(knl, "jj", 128, outer_tag="g.1", inner_tag="l.1") knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl, ctx.devices[0]) import pytest with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): list(lp.generate_loop_schedules(knl_bad)) def test_independent_multi_domain(ctx_factory): dtype = np.dtype(np.float32) ctx = ctx_factory() queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx) knl = lp.make_kernel( [ "{[i]: 0<=i {[i]: 0<=i znirp = n", "a[i] = 1", ], [ lp.GlobalArg("a", dtype, shape=("n"), order="C"), lp.ValueArg("n", np.int32), ]) cknl = lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, knl) n = 20000 evt, (a,) = cknl(queue, n=n, out_host=True) assert a.shape == (n,) assert (a == 1).all() def test_equality_constraints(ctx_factory): dtype = np.float32 ctx = ctx_factory() order = "C" n = 10 knl = lp.make_kernel([ "[n] -> {[i,j]: 0<=i,j {[i,j]: 0<=i,j a[i] = 5+i+j", ], []) knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(i="l.0", j="ilp")) knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl, ctx.devices[0]) for k in lp.generate_loop_schedules(knl): assert k.temporary_variables["a"].shape == (16, 17) def test_ilp_write_race_avoidance_private(ctx_factory): ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[j]: 0<=j<16 }", [ "<> a = 5+j", ], []) knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(j="ilp")) knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl, ctx.devices[0]) for k in lp.generate_loop_schedules(knl): assert k.temporary_variables["a"].shape == (16,) # }}} def test_write_parameter(ctx_factory): dtype = np.float32 ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i,j]: 0<=i,j src_ibox = source_boxes[isrc_box] <> isrc_start = box_source_starts[src_ibox] <> isrc_end = isrc_start+box_source_counts_nonchild[src_ibox] <> strength = strengths[isrc] {id=set_strength} """, [ lp.GlobalArg("box_source_starts,box_source_counts_nonchild", None, shape=None), lp.GlobalArg("strengths", None, shape="nsources"), "..."]) print(knl) assert "isrc_box" in knl.insn_inames("set_strength") print(lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, knl).get_highlighted_code( dict( source_boxes=np.int32, box_source_starts=np.int32, box_source_counts_nonchild=np.int32, strengths=np.float64, nsources=np.int32, ))) def test_inames_deps_from_write_subscript(ctx_factory): knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i,j]: 0<=i,j src_ibox = source_boxes[i] something = 5 a[src_ibox] = sum(j, something) {id=myred} """, [ lp.GlobalArg("box_source_starts,box_source_counts_nonchild,a", None, shape=None), "..."]) print(knl) assert "i" in knl.insn_inames("myred") def test_split_reduction(ctx_factory): knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i,j,k]: 0<=i,j,k xi = qpts[1, i2] {inames=+el} <> s = 1-xi <> r = xi/s <> aind = 0 {id=aind_init,inames=+i2:el} <> w = s**(deg-alpha1) {id=init_w} tmp[el,alpha1,i2] = tmp[el,alpha1,i2] + w * coeffs[aind] \ {id=write_tmp,inames=+alpha2} w = w * r * ( deg - alpha1 - alpha2 ) / (1 + alpha2) \ {id=update_w,dep=init_w:write_tmp} aind = aind + 1 \ {id=aind_incr,\ dep=aind_init:write_tmp:update_w, \ inames=+el:i2:alpha1:alpha2} """, [ # Must declare coeffs to have "no" shape, to keep loopy # from trying to figure it out the shape automatically. lp.GlobalArg("coeffs", None, shape=None), "..." ], assumptions="deg>=0 and nels>=1" ) knl = lp.fix_parameters(knl, nqp1d=7, deg=4) knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "el", 16, inner_tag="l.0") knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "el_outer", 2, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="ilp", slabs=(0, 1)) knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(i2="l.1", alpha1="unr", alpha2="unr")) print(lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, knl).get_highlighted_code( dict( qpts=np.float32, coeffs=np.float32, tmp=np.float32, ))) def test_rob_stroud_bernstein_full(ctx_factory): #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) ctx = ctx_factory() # NOTE: result would have to be zero-filled beforehand knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[el, i2, alpha1,alpha2, i1_2, alpha1_2, i2_2]: \ 0 <= el < nels and \ 0 <= i2 < nqp1d and \ 0 <= alpha1 <= deg and 0 <= alpha2 <= deg-alpha1 and\ \ 0 <= i1_2 < nqp1d and \ 0 <= alpha1_2 <= deg and \ 0 <= i2_2 < nqp1d \ }", """ <> xi = qpts[1, i2] {inames=+el} <> s = 1-xi <> r = xi/s <> aind = 0 {id=aind_init,inames=+i2:el} <> w = s**(deg-alpha1) {id=init_w} <> tmp[alpha1,i2] = tmp[alpha1,i2] + w * coeffs[aind] \ {id=write_tmp,inames=+alpha2} w = w * r * ( deg - alpha1 - alpha2 ) / (1 + alpha2) \ {id=update_w,dep=init_w:write_tmp} aind = aind + 1 \ {id=aind_incr,\ dep=aind_init:write_tmp:update_w, \ inames=+el:i2:alpha1:alpha2} <> xi2 = qpts[0, i1_2] {dep=aind_incr,inames=+el} <> s2 = 1-xi2 <> r2 = xi2/s2 <> w2 = s2**deg result[el, i1_2, i2_2] = result[el, i1_2, i2_2] + \ w2 * tmp[alpha1_2, i2_2] \ {inames=el:alpha1_2:i1_2:i2_2} w2 = w2 * r2 * (deg-alpha1_2) / (1+alpha1_2) """, [ # Must declare coeffs to have "no" shape, to keep loopy # from trying to figure it out the shape automatically. lp.GlobalArg("coeffs", None, shape=None), "..." ], assumptions="deg>=0 and nels>=1" ) knl = lp.fix_parameters(knl, nqp1d=7, deg=4) if 0: knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "el", 16, inner_tag="l.0") knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "el_outer", 2, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="ilp", slabs=(0, 1)) knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(i2="l.1", alpha1="unr", alpha2="unr")) from pickle import dumps, loads knl = loads(dumps(knl)) knl = lp.CompiledKernel(ctx, knl).get_highlighted_code( dict( qpts=np.float32, tmp=np.float32, coeffs=np.float32, result=np.float32, )) print(knl) @pytest.mark.parametrize("vec_len", [2, 3, 4, 8, 16]) def test_vector_types(ctx_factory, vec_len): ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{ [i,j]: 0<=i my_a = a[i,j] {id=read_a} <> a_less_than_zero = my_a < 0 {dep=read_a,inames=i:j} my_a = 2*my_a {id=twice_a,dep=read_a,if=a_less_than_zero} my_a = my_a+1 {id=aplus,dep=twice_a,if=a_less_than_zero} out[i,j] = 2*my_a {dep=aplus} """, [ lp.GlobalArg("a", np.float32,, lp.GlobalArg("out", np.float32,, "..." ]) ref_knl = knl lp.auto_test_vs_ref(ref_knl, ctx, knl, parameters=dict( n=200 )) def test_ilp_loop_bound(ctx_factory): # The salient bit of this test is that a joint bound on (outer, inner) # from a split occurs in a setting where the inner loop has been ilp'ed. # In 'normal' parallel loops, the inner index is available for conditionals # throughout. In ILP'd loops, not so much. ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{ [i,j,k]: 0<=i,j,k temp[i, 0] = 17 temp[i, 1] = 15 """) knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, dict(i="l.0")) knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl) for k in lp.generate_loop_schedules(knl): code, _ = lp.generate_code(k) print(code) def test_fd_demo(): knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i,j]: 0<=i,j temp = 2*b[i] a[i] = temp """) knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, dict(b=np.float32)) knl = lp.set_array_dim_names(knl, "a,b", "i") knl = lp.split_array_dim(knl, [("a", 0), ("b", 0)], 4, split_kwargs=dict(slabs=(0, 1))) knl = lp.tag_data_axes(knl, "a,b", "c,vec") ref_knl = knl ref_knl = lp.tag_inames(ref_knl, {"i_inner": "unr"}) knl = lp.tag_inames(knl, {"i_inner": "vec"}) knl = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl) knl = lp.get_one_scheduled_kernel(knl) code, inf = lp.generate_code(knl) lp.auto_test_vs_ref( ref_knl, ctx, knl, parameters=dict(n=30)) def test_alias_temporaries(ctx_factory): ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{[i]: 0<=i out_tmp = 0 {id=out_init,inames=i} out_tmp = out_tmp + alpha[i]*a[i,j]*b1[j] {id=out_up1,dep=out_init} out_tmp = out_tmp + alpha[i]*a[j,i]*b2[j] {id=out_up2,dep=out_init} out[i] = out_tmp {dep=out_up1:out_up2} """) knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, dict(a=np.float32, alpha=np.float32, b1=np.float32, b2=np.float32)) ref_knl = knl knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 256, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="l.0") knl = lp.collect_common_factors_on_increment(knl, "out_tmp") lp.auto_test_vs_ref(ref_knl, ctx, knl, parameters=dict(n=13)) def test_ispc_target(occa_mode=False): from import ISPCTarget knl = lp.make_kernel( "{ [i]: 0<=i key2 = make_uint2(i, 324830944) {inames=i} <> key4 = make_uint4(i, 324830944, 234181, 2233) {inames=i} <> ctr = make_uint4(0, 1, 2, 3) {inames=i} <> real, ctr = philox4x32_TYPE(ctr, key2) <> imag, ctr = threefry4x32_TYPE(ctr, key4) out[i, 0] = real.s0 + 1j * imag.s0 out[i, 1] = real.s1 + 1j * imag.s1 out[i, 2] = real.s2 + 1j * imag.s2 out[i, 3] = real.s3 + 1j * imag.s3 """.replace("TYPE", tp)) knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 128, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="l.0") knl = lp.set_options(knl, write_cl=True) evt, (out,) = knl(queue, n=n) out = out.get() assert (out < 1).all() assert (0 <= out).all() def test_kernel_splitting(ctx_factory): ctx = ctx_factory() knl = lp.make_kernel( "{ [i]: 0<=i c[i] = a[i + 1] out[i] = c[i] """) knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, {"a": np.float32, "c": np.float32, "out": np.float32, "n": np.int32}) knl = lp.set_temporary_scope(knl, "c", "global") ref_knl = knl knl = lp.split_iname(knl, "i", 128, outer_tag="g.0", inner_tag="l.0") cgr = lp.generate_code_v2(knl) assert len(cgr.device_programs) == 2 #print(cgr.device_code()) #print(cgr.host_code()) lp.auto_test_vs_ref(ref_knl, ctx, knl, parameters=dict(n=5)) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: exec(sys.argv[1]) else: from py.test.cmdline import main main([__file__]) # vim: foldmethod=marker